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Juice, beets, and apples on a wood table.

What To Eat (And Drink) After A Juice Cleanse

After completing a juice cleanse, transitioning back to your regular diet might leave you wondering what you should be eating to maximize all those feel-good post-cleanse benefits.

Knowing which foods to incorporate back into your diet (and which to avoid) will help you make the most of your cleanse and keep your healthy eating habits on track.

As dedicated juicers ourselves, we’re sharing our top post-cleanse eating tips so you can get the most out of your juice cleanse.

Tips To Ease Your Way Back To Your Regular Healthy Diet

  1. Incorporate lots of fruits and veggies.

    Try to work 2 servings of fruit and 3 to 5 servings of vegetables into your meals each day. Vegetables can be eaten raw, lightly steamed, or roasted. Get all the fibre you can to keep your digestive processes moving from high-fibre fruits and veggies like carrots, apples, broccoli, and raspberries. These foods are all great for digestion (and are tasty too!).

  2. Eat healthy fats.

    Healthy fats are good to incorporate into your diet and can keep you full and satisfied post-cleanse—making you less likely to snack and undermine the benefits of your cleanse. Get your healthy fats from foods like avocados, olives, nuts, tofu, and peanut butter.

  3. Watch (& reduce) your sugar intake.

    Refined sugars are harder for your body to digest and can make the transition back to solid foods harder on your body. Avoid processed foods and drinks with added sugar, and stick to natural sugars found in fruits or honey instead.

  4. Avoid coffee and other caffeine.

    Since this is something you cut out leading up to and during your cleanse, you may be more sensitive to caffeine. Jumping right back into your morning coffee(s) can throw a wrench into your sleep schedule and leave you feeling jittery throughout the day. Reintroduce caffeine back into your diet slowly, starting with ½ a cup per day.

  5. Skip happy hour.

    Your liver has been working hard to detoxify your body for the past few days, so give it a bit of a rest. Wait at least a week before reintroducing alcohol into your diet.

  6. Drink LOTS of water.

    Keeping hydrated will help improve digestion and keep your body running smoothly. Drink hot (or warm) water with lemon and herbal teas to ease your digestive system back into your regular routine.


Which Pulp & Press juice cleanse is right for you?

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