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Nature's Rhythm: The Art of Cleansing With the Seasons

Nature's Rhythm: The Art of Cleansing With the Seasons

Part 1: Fall Cleansing

Have you ever wondered when and how often you should cleanse? As the seasons change, so do our bodies' needs. A common question we often receive is 'How frequently should I embark on a cleanse?'. Today, we're delving into the world of seasonal cleansing, aligning your wellness journey with the ever-changing rhythms of the year. Join us in this 4-part series as we share our expert recommendations for embracing the transformations of each season.

This autumn, we're thrilled to unveil a special edition of our beloved Complete Cleanse - the Seasonal Complete Cleanse! Freshly revamped, this cleanse is your ultimate companion, providing robust immune and digestive support as the temperatures drop and our bodies prepare for hibernation mode.

We all know why it’s important to keep our immune system in good health through the fall and winter, but what about digestion? Of course, we want our digestion to be strong all year round, but as our diets and lifestyles change to accommodate the seasons, our bodies respond accordingly.

For most, our consumption of carbohydrates and starchy foods increases and access to fresh local fruits and vegetables becomes less available. Though it’s best to increase our carb intake as the temperatures cool, we want to make sure that the important nutrients to support healthy digestion (like prebiotics, probiotics, and fiber) are not lost.

Before we transition our meals, introducing a juice cleanse (anywhere from 3 to 7 days long) can offer our bodies a clean slate. Juice cleanses help by removing any toxin build-up from the summer months and reset our digestive system. Furthermore, a juice cleanse is a great way to kick off a new season so we can digest and absorb nutrients better as we move into this new phase of the year!

3 reasons why you’ll love the Seasonal Complete Cleanse for the fall:

  1. It has elderberries: Mostly praised for its antiviral abilities, this superfood also encourages regularity for a sluggish digestive system!
  2. It contains pre and probiotics: Includes banana which provides a supply of prebiotic fiber to promote a bountiful environment for the positive probiotic bacteria found in "Very Berry".
  3. More fiber: Added a second smoothie giving this cleanse more daily fiber for those looking to promote healthy/regular digestion without interrupting your detox.

And that concludes part 1 of our 4 part season cleansing series! We’ll see you back here next season for our next recommendation in Part 2: Winter!

Written by Julie VanHeart: Registered Holistic Nutritionist
Ready to embrace the changing seasons?

The new Seasonal Complete Cleanse is a limited-time version of our most loved juice cleanse. It is designed to fuel your digestion and immunity during the colder months.

Explore The Seasonal Cleanse
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